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Reporting Crimes, Harassment & Discrimination

Employees need to know when to report alleged crimes, harassment, and discrimination to the University. Employees who are considered “Mandatory Reporters” and/or “Campus Security Authorities” have an obligation to report certain allegations brought to their attention.

Regardless of your status, all employees are strongly encouraged to report information they receive about alleged crimes, harassment, or discrimination involving the University community. Reports may be made to Wake Forest University Police, the Winston-Salem Police Department, and/or the University Title IX Office.

Mandatory Reporters

A mandatory reporter is a WFU employee designated by the University who is required to report incidents of alleged discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex or gender to the University Title IX Office.

Campus Security Authorities (“CSAs”)

Federal law requires the University to collect information about alleged campus crimes from a variety of individuals and organizations that the law considers to be “Campus Security Authorities” or CSAs. Campus Security Authorities may or may not also be Mandatory Reporters.