You Have Options
Persons who have experienced sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking, have control over whether, when and how they may report a matter to the University. If you would like to speak with someone trained to help persons who have experienced sexual misconduct and/or would like assistance in identifying your options, please contact:
- Safe Office (24/7) | 336.758.5285
- University Counseling Center | 336.758.5273
- Office of the Chaplain | 336.758.5210
Conversations with the Safe Office, University Counseling Center, and the Office of the Chaplain are confidential. Information shared with them will not be shared with the Title IX Office unless and until you are ready.

Wake Safe is a free personal mobile application for Wake Forest University students, staff, faculty, visitors, and surrounding community members to engage in a two-way conversation with Wake Forest University police.
Non-confidential reporting options appear below.
File a Report with the Title IX Office
This form provides preliminary information to the Wake Forest University Office of Institutional Equity, which includes the Title IX Office, and handles allegations of prohibited conduct outlined in the Title IX & Non-Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policies for Wake Forest University and Wake Forest Baptist Health.
Speak with a Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Deputy Title IX Coordinators serve as school liaisons to the Title IX Office and can accept reports of sexual misconduct. Deputy Title IX Coordinators are not confidential resources and are required to forward reports to the University Title IX Coordinator.
File a Report with the Anonymous Reporting Hotline
The Anonymous Reporting Hotline is an anonymous reporting option. Reports of sexual misconduct are forwarded to the University Title IX Coordinator. The Hotline can be reached toll free at 1.877.880.7888 or by using the link below.
File a Police Report with the University Police
University Police Department
Alumni Hall (5911 Forest Bridge Dr)
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Emergencies: 336.758.5911
Non-Emergencies: 336.758.5591
File a Police Report with the W-S Police
Winston-Salem Police Department
725 North Cherry Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Emergencies: 911
Non-emergencies: 336.773.7700
File an Anonymous Silent Witness Police Report
The University provides an option for anonymous reporting of campus crime by the crime victim or a third party reporting on behalf of a crime victim.
A copy of the police report may also be submitted to the University Title IX Coordinator for an investigation and for possible action through the applicable conduct process if the accused is a University student. The Police should inform victims about available victim assistance and advocacy resources at the Safe Office and Family Services.